Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
See it, remember it, pass it on
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
bearing arms
Recommended Bill of Rights from the Virginia Ratifying Convention,
27 June 1778
Thursday, October 9, 2008
it didn't just happen last year, Bill Clinton!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What do NASCAR, the Motion Picture Association, and Puerto Rico RUM makers have in common? They all stand to benefit from the Senate's $700 billion economic bailout plan. Hoping to entice the bill's skeptics with some familiar bait, the upper chamber sweetened its deal with more than a billion dollars in tax breaks for special interests. As the Dow plummets, unnerving investors from coast to coast, the House has approved the Senate's bill. With the economy hanging in the balance, more responsible members were faced with the question-to pork or not to pork? And while the Senate managed to slip in relief for manufacturers of toy arrows, its quiver contained little for American families. As the sun sets on President Bush's tax cuts in 2010, leaders may use these amendments to leave the impression that the major tax issues have been addressed. They couldn't be more wrong. To restore confidence we must actively pursue tax simplification and permanent tax relief. Energizing the economy means expanding the IRS's grace not to a handful of niche markets, as the Senate suggests, but to all Americans, especially American families. If our leaders are this determined to bail out Wall Street, how much more concerned should they be with rescuing the family from our suffocating tax policy?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mysterious Cargo
Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns
"Yes, some of them have died," he told the Long War Journal. "Our sources say [the ship] contains chemicals, dangerous chemicals."
The ship's contents are still unclear, but the reported deaths and skin abrasions have raised concerns that it could be more than meets the eye.
Here's the link to read the rest of the story...............,2933,430681,00.html
I just today was interested in reading about small pox at work; can't tell you why I had an inclination to do thus, but.......................
Revelation Chapter 9
The Fifth Trumpet
2 He opened the shaft of the abyss, and smoke came up out of the shaft like smoke from a great furnace so that the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft.
3 Then out of the smoke locusts came to the earth, and power [Or authority] was given to them like the power that scorpions have on the earth.
4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green plant, or any tree, but only people who do not have God’s seal on their foreheads.
5 They were not permitted to kill them, but were to torment [them]* for five months; their torment is like the torment caused by a scorpion when it strikes a man.
6 In those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.
read on.................
can we not see the trees nor the forest???
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was feted on Thursday night by left-wing U.S. religious leaders and self-styled pacifists at a gala reception at New York’s Hyatt hotel — which is owned by the family of the Obama campaign’s national finance chairperson, Penny Pritzker.
Several thousand protesters gathered on 42nd street, directly across from the hotel, late Thursday afternoon, including Beth Gilinsky, president of the Jewish Action Alliance; Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy; and the Rev. Keith Roderick, the Episcopal canon to persecuted Christians.
Ahmadinejad arrived at 8:45 p.m., nearly three hours late, and was protected by the Secret Service and Iranian security guards, Newsmax correspondent Kenneth R. Timmerman reported.
Inside, the Iranian president was given a warm welcome by John Brademas, a former congressman from Indiana who rose to become Democratic whip in the House from 1977-1981.
Also welcoming him was Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in an alleged criminal conspiracy to fund the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.
Ahmadinejad began his address with an invocation of the 12th imam, according to a source who attended the event.
He made a similar invocation of the 12th imam at the start of his speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, adding that he hoped his actions “would hasten the Imam’s return.” He went on to blast Israel and the United States in that speech.
The Mahdivist cult of Shia Islam, to which Ahmadinejad subscribes, holds that the 12th imam will “return” to earth after a period of worldwide conflagration, mass destruction, famine, and starvation.
By calling on his own actions to “hasten” the imam’s return, many scholars of Islam believe that Ahmadinejad is revealing his intention to provoke a world war.
Ahmadinejad has referred to Israel as “a dried, rotten tree that will collapse with a single storm,” and has called on the Muslim world to “prepare for the great war, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime and remove this cancerous growth.”
Government buildings in Tehran are festooned with giant banners that read, “Israel should be wiped out of the face of the world” in English and Persian. Similar banners are draped across Shahab-3 missiles when the Iranian regime drives them through the streets of Tehran in military parades, Timmerman reports.
Barack Obama has made negotiations with Ahmadinejad and other dictators a cornerstone of his foreign policy approach, in contrast to John McCain, who believes that the U.S. must spearhead an international coalition to prevent Iran from going nuclear.
Obama has said that he is ready to sit down with Ahmadinejad “without preconditions” to negotiate a sweeping security agreement with his regime. McCain has dismissed this as “reckless,” and McCain’s top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, has called it “cowboy diplomacy.”
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Madison founder's quote
-- James Madison (letter to Frederick Beasley, 20 November 1825)
Reference: Writings of Madison, Hunt, ed., vol. 9 (230)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
our great state
it boggles the mind, the income that repeats and repeats (redundantly) is money now in the state's coffers. taxes take money out of peoples' pockets, democrats think that is their lot in life, to hand pick our pockets.
hollywood south, as we are called, has been a chest of income to the tune of $100's of millions, even in our fair cities alone.
with democrats like our lt. gov., who needs a divided house in the capitol who cannot decide that good, solid, and regular economic income in repeating fashion is good for all of us?
gotta hand it to those democrats, see a pile of money and bring in their leaf blower to scatter it and lose it in the wind.
the old blood of corrupt politics still runs thick and deep in the bayous of our state.
letter from a peer nurse of mine; addressing evacuees from new orleans
Dear Editor,
I am a nurse who has just completed volunteer working approximately 120 hours as the clinic director in a Hurricane Gustav evacuation shelter in Shreveport, Louisiana over the last 7 days. I would love to see someone look at the evacuee situation from a new perspective. Local and national news channels have covered the evacuation and "horrible" conditions the evacuees had to endure during Hurricane Gustav.
True - some things were not optimal for the evacuation and the shelters need some modification.
At any point, does anyone address the responsibility (or irresponsibility) of the evacuees?
Does it seem wrong that one would remember their cell phone, charger, cigarettes and lighter but forget their child's insulin?
Is something amiss when an evacuee gets off the bus, walks immediately to the medical area, and requests immediate free refills on all medicines for which they cannot provide a prescription or current bottle (most of which are narcotics)?
Isn't the system flawed when an evacuee says they cannot afford a $3 copay for a refill that will be delivered to them in the shelter yet they can take a city-provided bus to Wal-mart, buy 5 bottles of Vodka, and return to consume them secretly in the shelter?
Is it fair to stop performing luggage checks on incoming evacuees so as not to delay the registration process but endanger the volunteer staff and other persons with the very realistic truth of drugs, alcohol and weapons being brought into the shelter?
Am I less than compassionate when it frustrates me to scrub emesis from the floor near a nauseated child while his mother lies nearby, watching me work 26 hours straight, not even raising her head from the pillow to comfort her own son?
Why does it insense me to hear a man say "I ain't goin' home 'til I get my FEMA check" when I would love to just go home and see my daughters who I have only seen 3 times this week?
Is the system flawed when the privately insured patient must find a way to get to the pharmacy, fill his prescription and pay his copay while the FEMA declaration allows the uninsured person to acquire free medications under the disaster rules?
Does it seem odd that the nurse volunteering at the shelter is paying for childcare while the evacuee sits on a cot during the day as the shelter provides a "daycare"?
Have government entitlements created this mentality and am I facilitating it with my work?
Will I be a bad person, merciless nurse or poor Christian if I hesitate to work at the next shelter because I have worked for 7 days being called every curse word imaginable, feeling threatened and fearing for my personal safety in the shelter?
Exhausted and battered,
Sherri , RN
after ike
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Time waits for none; or don't blink or life will head around in the passing lane.
I had rather not have to start back making school lunches and getting everyone up and going just yet. But, we press on!