Sunday, April 27, 2014

So that Freemen prosper, it's time freemen start citizen investigative reporting.  Hey, a blog would be a good place...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Al Qaida's number two leader, and the head of its affiliate in the Arabian Peninsula seen in the video, recorded somewhere in Yemen, al-Wuhayshi addresses more than 100 subordinates in the open, seemingly unconcerned about the threat of a U.S. drone strike.
I too noticed the "cross" reference probably recorded on or near Passover with the pagan holiday of Easter approaching.
Nevertheless, the next feast day is Pentecost, now 48 days out, and one has to wonder if there might be some coincidence there.  No to mention that the Pope, another pagan enacted office, plans to visit Yishrael in May this year.
No coincidence?  If one has his ear to the ground and eyes to the headlines, the discerning soul might be inclined to prepare....

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

John Boehner - never did like the looks of the guy from the first time i spotted him.  Conservatives helped him get ahold of the gavel and now he just dumps dung in our faces right and left...more left being that he washes Barry's balls on the course a lot.

But I digress...Boehner just keeps throwing blank checks at Barry and turns his back when the spending goes up and up.  What the hell kinda back room dealing is this here!!??

Boehner has to go.  If no one else will, I will lock my shoe in his ass to heave him out the door asap.

Nothing like pissing in the faces of those who carried you on their shoulders to get where you are!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

B is for Barry - B is for Billion

Obama is now acclaimed as having over $1B in campaign lifetime contributions, as seen in The Daily Caller, May 21, 2012; Neil Munro.  Also noted is that the President seeks another $300M by election time.
What the hell? Let's cut the shit here.  The US economy is tanking.  GM alone is laying off more union employee jobs than ever by year's end.  Banks are recycling cash like who knows.  There cannot be that many remaining donors in this country, guessing within legal limits, from whom can be squeezed $300M more, can there?
At least with the doom and gloom scripts being sung by the Lib MSM everyday, there can't be any more legal private donations.  No one has any money any more, right, according to the MSM?
That lends to only one explanation in this public school educated boy's mind; the money sought is/will be foreign. Namely, Arab and Muslim bank rolls, which traced back, would be our, that's yours and my American earned, dollars for oil in these >$100/bbl oil price times.
So I guess the cliche' stands up, "What goes around Saudi Arabia oil fields, comes around back to America's president's war chest.  I mean, Arab/Muslim countries got what they wanted when Barry went over and apologized to all of them for US being mean and fighting and such sanctionistas.
Thank you Congressional campaign fund oversight laws.  After all, who's gonna guard the hen house when the foxes are already inside and have locked the door behind them?
Your Bloombergs, Cuomos, Krochs, and all other gay loving liberal eastern power boys have so legislated "campaign finance reform" and sharpened their pencils to the end of we make the rules for us, and you conservatives play by this set of rules over here.
Where are the boys with the balls to stand in the faces of these cheats, liars, and thieves with regards to campaign finance rules?  More poignantly, what the hell is Boehner and gang doing to reign in lawless money grubbing by liberals in the name of "reform"?  My guess: nothing more than in the last 12-15 years that no other Repube-lican lame wristed "reformer" was ever inclined.
Caller article goes on to say that GW Bush's total campaign spending was some more than $140M over his donations.  That due to the Bush campaign received matching federal funds for limiting his own private lemonade stand fundraising.
So what does Barry do? Broke his promise to do same in 2008 and raised nearly all of his $1B after said promise was broken.  Barry's rationale, "We face opponents who've become masters at gaming this broken system."
Holy shit Sherlock! Really?  You FACED opponents who mastered the broken system?
Man the shit pool of lies just never ends…'s all one shade of brown or another, different day.

Parting thought: Realize this - if there are about 120 million wage earning/tax paying households in these United States of America, that $300M sought could be sent to each above noted household in the form of a check for roughly $2.5 million dollars; one time this year.  Who needs Publisher's Clearing House if that were to happen………..

Monday, April 2, 2012

Government spending will stimulate somebody's something somewhere...

Our government wants us to think that an increase in government spending will stimulate the economy in a way that raises private spending.
Our government wants us to think that an increase in government spending will raise employment and lower unemployment? 

In 2009-2012 America run by Barack Obama, Obama lives, eats, breathes and……. well you get my meaning.  Where the result has to do with the GDP, the government spending multiplier is more likely below one rather than above one. 

In other words, anything the government touches with its spending multiplier ideas, the result comes out a negative.  Remember 4th grad math when we began to learn integers?  A positive times a positive equals a positive.  A negative times a positive equals a negative.  The product of a negative multiplier is always a negative.  Always.

And no amount of tax increases is going to finance government spending.  Only part of government spending is financed by tax increases.  This lends to the reality that government spending not financed by tax increases is plain old deficit spending.  

In second grade form: Washington spends more than they take in.  Day after day after month after year after decade.

Again in second grade form: what would our individual banks do to us if we the private citizenry, tax paying working folks, lived our lives and operated our bank accounts this way?

Once again in second grade form: the bank will bounce our unfunded checks, the debit/ATM cards will be cut off and credit card limits will max out and cards will be shut off pretty fast.

If government spending is intended to raise employment and lower unemployment, my view is that intent is to create more government jobs.  So with those "more jobs", comes government regulation.  Those jobs have to meet all kinds of bureaucratic rules, limitations, qualifications, and reviewed by bus loads of checkers, and reviewers, and handlers. 

So in that, I offer that government is as a snake that has coiled back on itself only to devour itself from its own hunger created by its own appetite after devouring all the "lower down the food chain" prey and food supply.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beans & Franks

At a recent Townhall meeting held by the President, a woman in the audience spoke up:

"I am a chief financial officer for a veteran service organization here in Washington. I'm also a mother. I'm a wife. I'm an American veteran and I'm one of your so-known middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I'm exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for and am deeply disappointed with where we are right now. I've been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I'm one of those people and I'm waiting, sir. I'm waiting. I don't feel it yet. And I thought I would feel it in some small measure. I have two children in private school and the financial recession has taken an enormous toll on my family. My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives but quite frankly, it's starting to knock on our door and ring true that that might be where we're headed again. Quite frankly, Mr. President, I need you to answer this honestly. Is this my new reality?"


Looking at the way Obama has administrated things this year and 9 months, everything is exactly as planned.  Meanwhile, the Obamas are living high on the hog, are they not, traveling all over the world?  A vacation every other month?  Here's what Obama's answer was.


OBAMA:  The life you described, one of responsibility, looking after your family, contributing back to your community, that's what we want to reward.  Now, as I said before, times are tough for everybody right now.  So I understand your frustration.  There are a whole host of things that we've put in place that do make your life better, so my goal here is not to try to convince you that everything's where it needs to be.  It's not.  That's why I ran for president, but what I am saying is is that we're moving in the right direction.


I say, that's his answer?  That's why he ran for president, to put everything where it's not supposed to be?  So we middle class Americans are the ones with the responsibility of working and paying the tax load of the country so Obama's programs will have the cash to "spread the wealth around"?


Well i say, Obama studied Marx, and now he are one................

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Biker Steals Lion's Lunch

A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Washington , DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage.

Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.

A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.' The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.'

The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page...So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?'

The biker replies, 'I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican.' The journalist leaves.

The following morning the biker buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:

That pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days.