Saturday, November 1, 2008

“Well, there’s something known as American conservatism, though it does not even call itself that. It’s been calling itself ‘voting Republican’ or ‘not liking the New Deal.’ But it is a very American approach to life, and it has to do with knowing that the government is not your master, that America is good, that freedom is good and must be defended, and communism is very, very bad.” —William F. Buckley Jr.

Somewhere I read in an economics 101 introduction, that when the two principles of conservatism and liberalism are pitted against the other, or are left on the table to be chosen, conservatism wins, is chosen, is the greater principle in its own essence.  

Let me put it into a very simple word picture: to be liberal or subscribe to such, would be equal to getting your take home pay in loose cash and walking down your street throwing it out the window of your car into just anyone's yard.  Whether the people into whose yard you throw it pick it up or not, or take it and use it, you'll never know, and even more those people will not appreciate it worth a dime.

So, liberals in Washington operate on this very similar pretense: they take your and my money in taxes and throw it at people; unappreciative, freeloading, and uncaring of and how they are benefits of such "wealth", and the Marxist, New Dealer, Obama is regurgitating everything he is told, prescribed, and programmed to say.