Saturday, September 19, 2009

Govt grade: 100% failure


The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 - they've had 234 years toget it right; it is broke, and even though heavily subsidized, it can't compete with private sector
FedEx and UPS services.

Social Security was established in 1935 - they've had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - they've had 71 years to get it
right;it is broke.

Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it
right; it is broke.

Together Fannie and Freddie have now led the entire world into the worst
economic collapse in 80 years.

War on Poverty was started in 1964 - they've had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our hard earned money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - they've had 44 years to get it right; they are both broke; and now our government dares to mention them as models for all US health care.

AMTRAK was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it right; last year they bailed it out as it continues to run at a loss!

This year, a trillion dollars was committed in the massive political
payoff called the
Stimulus Bill of 2009; it shows NO sign of working; it's been used to increase the size of governments across America and raise government salaries while the rest of us suffer from economic hardships. It has yet to create a single new private sector job. Our national debt projections (approaching $10 trillion) have increased 400% in the last six months.

"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009. 80% of the cars purchased turned out to be produced by foreign companies and dealers nationwide are buried under bureaucratic paperwork demanded by a government that is not yet paying them what was promised PLUS we now find out that the $3500 or $4500 people got for their "clunker" is considered

So, with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that each and every "service" shoved down our throats by an over-reaching
government turns into disaster. How could any informed American trust our government to run or even set policies for
America's health care system (17% of our economy?)

" I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretence of taking care of them."
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Govt math


I guess I must be on the wrong page?

A vehicle at 15 mpg and 12,000 miles per year 

uses 800 gallons a year of gasoline.
A vehicle at 25 mpg and 12,000 miles per year 

uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average "Cash for Clunkers" transaction

will reduce US gasoline consumption
by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles ? so that's 

224 million gallons / year. That equates 
to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels of oil is about ? 

of one day's US consumption. 
And, 5 million barrels of oil
 costs about $350 million dollars at $70/bbl.

So, we all contributed to spending

 $3 billion to save $350 million.

How good a deal was that ???

They'll probably do a great job

with health care though!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

poorest cities

The precepts listed below are exactly what Ted Kennedy was all about, always, without waiver or shadow of redress. ted always had a silver spoon in his mouth from cradle to grave and never did mind speaking of how well off and fortunate he has lived (to the tune of bootleg whiskey income from his grandparents). But, he was all about seeing that others who worked for their silver spoons would be scuttled at every turn by taxing them and forcing middle class working people to feed and clothe those who would not and will not lift a finger to work to earn that silver spoon from which to eat and enjoy life. read below....


City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29...9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%
U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey, August 2007

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate
all have in common?

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected aRepublican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati , OH (3rd)...since 1984;

Cleveland , OH (4th)...since 1989;

Miami , FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor;

St. Louis , MO (6th)....since 1949;

El Paso , TX (7th) has never had a Republican mayor;

Milwaukee , WI (8th)...since 1908;

Philadelphia , PA (9th)...since 1952;

Newark , NJ (10th)...since 1907.

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats---yet they are still POOR

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak
by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity
by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up
by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man
by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character
and courage by taking away
people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently
by doing for them, what
they could and should do for themselves."
Abraham Lincoln

Ole Teddy

"The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families. ... Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics." --John Adams

Teddy Kennedy
"Now you listen here, the Federal government should provide healthcare coverage for every breathing American citizen regardless of their ability to pay for it!!!!"
Kennedy was born into great wealth, privilege and political influence, the fourth son and ninth child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He never worked a day in a private-sector job, and like his brothers before him, he owed his political career to his father's considerable political machinations, I'm guessing like bootleg stills in the Massachussetts hills.

Ted, like his brother John, developed a reputation as a serial womanizer in college. Unlike his Ivy League brothers, however, Ted was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, though allowed to return a few years later to complete his cheating undergraduate degree.

Thanks to some election-night manipulation of returns by Old Joe, JFK was elected president in the closest race of the 20th century (49.7 percent to Richard Nixon's 49.5 percent). That paved the way for TK's victory in a 1962 U.S. Senatespecial election in Massachusetts.

Kennedy was an ardent backer of his friend Bill Clinton after the latter lied about sexual encounters with a subordinate White House intern in 1998. In turn, Clinton awarded Kennedy the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which, along with theCongressional Gold Medal, is the highest civilian award in the U.S. It is designated for individuals who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors." (so why did teddy get the medal again? oh yeah, teddy pulled him aside and told Bill that "Hey, it wasn't you, all girls screw, forget about it!") that my friends, will get you a citizen's freedom medal from "the man".

Despite the Left's insistence that private virtue and morality should not be a consideration when assessing those in "public service" (unless, of course, they are Republicans), the fact is that the two are irrevocably linked.

Finally, in 1968, when Ted Kennedy delivered the eulogy for his brother, Robert, he said, "My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life..." Why Teddy, were you behind RFK's demise so you could run to the front of the line? I'm just asking.

I would hope that whoever is slated to deliver Ted Kennedy's eulogy follows that advice because we do a disservice to him and our country to suggest Kennedy was anything more than he was.

Character: what you do when nobody's looking, not what you fake in front of a bank of cameras.

I do not know who will bestow his final tribute, but I'm guessing that Mary Jo Kopechne would have loved a shot at it.

Mary Jo Kopechne

Ask your doctor..and...Liberals just change the name


"President Obama and congressional supporters estimate that his health care plan will cost between $50 and $65 billion a year. Such cost estimates are lies whether they come from a Democratic president and Congress, or a Republican president and Congress. ... At its start, in 1966, Medicare cost $3 billion. The House Ways and Means Committee, along with President Johnson, estimated that Medicare would cost an inflation-adjusted $12 billion by 1990. In 1990, Medicare topped $107 billion. That's nine times Congress' prediction. Today's Medicare tab comes to $420 billion with no signs of leveling off. How much confidence can we have in any cost estimates by the White House or Congress? Another part of the Medicare lie is found in Section 1801 of the 1965 Medicare Act that reads: 'Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize any federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine, or the manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection, tenure, or compensation of any officer, or employee, or any institution, agency or person providing health care services.' Ask your doctor or hospital whether this is true." --economist Walter E. Williams


"Liberals never, ever drop a heinous idea; they just change the name. 'Abortion' becomes 'choice,' 'communist' becomes 'progressive,' 'communist dictatorship' becomes 'people's democratic republic' and 'Nikita Khrushchev' becomes 'Barack Obama.' It doesn't matter if liberals start calling national health care a 'chocolate chip puppy' or 'ice cream sunset' -- if the government is subsidizing it, then the government calls the shots. And the moment the government gets its hands on the controls, it will be establishing death panels, forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions and illegal aliens, rationing care and then demanding yet more government control when partial government control creates a mess. Which happens to be exactly what liberals are doing right now." --columnist Ann Coulter

Pay attention and follow the money

You econ whiz bangs, would that be an indirect way of Nancy benefiting from the allocation of federal funds to a private interest and corporate profits paid back to shareholders, namely Paul Pelosi?

from an email:

Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served in the House from Georgia from 1978 and as House Minority Whip in 1989. He was Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. During that time he never made use of military air craft.

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wanted routine access to a larger plane.

It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time," including weekend trips home to San Francisco .. Pretty nice but very expensive perk! Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco . Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district. Star-Kist is owned byDel Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi. Star-Kist is the major employer inAmerican Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock. In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition's.

When the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an 'economic development credit in American Samoa .'