Sunday, April 27, 2014

So that Freemen prosper, it's time freemen start citizen investigative reporting.  Hey, a blog would be a good place...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Al Qaida's number two leader, and the head of its affiliate in the Arabian Peninsula seen in the video, recorded somewhere in Yemen, al-Wuhayshi addresses more than 100 subordinates in the open, seemingly unconcerned about the threat of a U.S. drone strike.
I too noticed the "cross" reference probably recorded on or near Passover with the pagan holiday of Easter approaching.
Nevertheless, the next feast day is Pentecost, now 48 days out, and one has to wonder if there might be some coincidence there.  No to mention that the Pope, another pagan enacted office, plans to visit Yishrael in May this year.
No coincidence?  If one has his ear to the ground and eyes to the headlines, the discerning soul might be inclined to prepare....

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

John Boehner - never did like the looks of the guy from the first time i spotted him.  Conservatives helped him get ahold of the gavel and now he just dumps dung in our faces right and left...more left being that he washes Barry's balls on the course a lot.

But I digress...Boehner just keeps throwing blank checks at Barry and turns his back when the spending goes up and up.  What the hell kinda back room dealing is this here!!??

Boehner has to go.  If no one else will, I will lock my shoe in his ass to heave him out the door asap.

Nothing like pissing in the faces of those who carried you on their shoulders to get where you are!