Wednesday, July 14, 2010

tea party people are sick of this

The tea party doesn't want to pit anybody against anybody. If the truth be known, tea party people, the vast, vast majority of them -- are sick of this. The past is the past, and nobody can deny it, but it's not warranted anymore. The Klan was all Democrats. Most people in this country want a unified country built on the concepts of American exceptionalism. I want this country to be known for its exceptionalism. This whole thing is sad. The people who are profiting from this division are doing it financially and they're trying to electorally, while doing it under the false premise that they're trying to help the country and unite it. They're doing nothing of the sort. They're dividing it. George Bush did not want a divided country. I don't want a divided country.
Everybody in this country ought to be proud and love the fact that they're Americans, and I want everybody in this country to have opportunity. I love people. I want them to have the best opportunity they can find. I want everybody to realize the great opportunity that being an American is. So many millions of people born in this country are told and raised and educated that they have no chance and should just hang out, draw a government check and exist on the fringe. That's practically near criminal. There are people doing that kind of teaching and educating. I think it's time it all stopped.
You would think that after 9/11, when our country has been pulling itself up by its bootstraps, that the new leadership in Washington would do everything they could to foster and cheer on all of us as we continue our life paths after 9/11. But NO! Let's throw the proverbial penny on the ground by stirring up racial division and wait for the dogfight.

By the way, dog fighting is illegal, yet grown men and women are allowed legally to get into a ring to beat the brains out of their opponent while others gamble on the winner. Dogs bear numbers in a litter. Humans have one baby at a time, except for multiples, the majority of births are single. Dogs replace themselves every time the wind blows. Some couples can't get pregnant and never reproduce. Why is there a law banning dog fighting and not banning human fighting for sport? Don't get me wrong, I don't like the specter of seeing dogs fight, but, I had rather not either see men and women suffer permanent life-long brain damage for the sake of a paycheck and to make some folks rich on the sport. Are we throwing our devotion to banning dogs from fighting for sport, yet, allowing people to fight and suffer long term ill-effects for monetary gain? Isn't that worshiping the creature and not worshiping the Creator and His beings created in His image??

Back to racial division-
The United States did not invent slavery. The United States invented freedom from 4 July 1776 through the Civil War, all of the 20th century and continues to liberate dictator controlled places in the world even today. Somebody name a country on earth that ever fought a civil war to make men equal. What other country on the face of the earth has so many laws against discrimination? You can't find one.
Our country is exceptional, look around at who is tearing down our exceptionalism and throw them out!

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