Friday, November 6, 2009

Jihadist active duty Army man

heard today that no regular duty military personnel are allowed to carry a sidearm on base/fort on duty; that being aside from military police under the employ of that job.  i know, some of you friends currently active can and will correct that of mine that is out of focus.  if the rule is "we have to be at war" to carry openly on duty here on our homeland, then what was 9-11-01?  i know, it's redundant.  it's just that i saw a plane hit one of the world trade center towers and then those responsible admitted jihad was brought to our place and in our face!  so is it that the military is so scared of the aclu or the commies in washington, that carrying openly by all trained active military here in country will bring about law suits?  if so, then i, as a private healthcare provider, understand the lawsuit thing.  trial lawyers frivously suing the pants off of doctors and hospitals have driven up the cost of getting an xray, lab, shots, meds, and so on.  nowadays when you walk in under the roof of a hospital, and you pay a co-pay, and then your insurance carrier pays the bill for your medical care, you're helping pay into a "rainy-day" fund to pay malpractice insurance premiums, for the place at which medical care is given to those who turn to bite the hands that dress their wounds, serve their food, push their wheelchair, listen to a patient's fear of facing some disease that could merely be their car going over the cliff, metaphorically speaking you understand.      back to the politcally correct cold steel knife of the aclu.  this muslim "psychiatrist" yelled a jihadist battle cry and began firing hot deadly bullets into his "fellow" military men.  and it took a private/municipal on duty policewoman to stop him, because the on duty military men and women around this killer aren't allowed to carry openly while on military duty here in America, where American blood was spilled in an act of jihad??  so, for the sake of the aclu suing the government, a professing muslim, with now known idealistic militant ties, cannot be disallowed entry into the military service of the country of which he will and did later attack??  this country is circling the drain folks, if this is the pretense upon which our sworn to protect have to swallow and the type person our service people are asked to "serve beside".

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