Sunday, June 20, 2010

But he wants us to be the victims now......

Obama's shoes were first covered in dung from stepping in it with Obamacare, and I guess now tar balls from the gulf coast.  But the tar spreads thickly on both accounts.  Barry's leftists have made bogus claims about tea partiers as being mainstream conservative racists, bigots, homophobes and violent.  Conservatives are largely a peaceable group as evidenced at Dan's bake sale and Hannity's freedom concert tour.
Leftists cannot debate ideas, because they have no original ones.  So when tea partiers protest with what is true on their signs and slogans, the left just spews out hate speech and anarchy.  Obama's buddies stand ready to shut up and muzzle the conservative voices in our country.
Obama's soldiers prattle to the cameras fabrications about violence at tea parties, intimidate by summonsing corporate execs and Obama himself saying that he doesn't want those who created this mess to do a lot of talking.  Then when all of the above fails, the leftists run to the cameras again to paint us conservatives as racists just a moment away from violent acts at tea parties.
For the left to infer that conservatives are racists means that under their standard, Obama is racist in that he reversed welfare reform.  That very welfare reform had reduced black poverty and black illegitimacy rates.  You want more, his liberal education policies have slammed the cage door shut on minorities in failing inner- city schools.  It just keeps on going.
Billy Joel sings a song titled "We Didn't Start the Fire", well we conservatives didn't either.  Take Chris Matthews on PMSNBC when he asked on air, 'are the tea partiers mad because health-care reform was pushed through by an African-American president and a woman speaker of the House?'  Now that is like pouring jet fuel on the backyard bar-b-que pit.
When Obama takes total control of petroleum offshore drilling after BP-ina, thus seizing another portion of our national economy, the public will surely become more outraged and his leftists will smather the ink and video demonizing ordinary Americans, who by now can be considered the real victims of government policy.

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