Sunday, July 24, 2011

This message may just self-destruct if things remain status quo

Are you considering electing a conservative candidate with an unwavering commitment to the conservative principles upon which this nation was founded?  A limited government message is resonating with voters.  Americans are tired of the overspending, the excessive taxation, the government takeovers of private industry, the bailouts, and the use of earmarks to bribe politicians... and they are ready to let their voices be heard on Election Day. Are you concerned casually or severely, that your way of living may just all but disappear in just 4 months?  

Have you any money saved away, literally, when the bank czar says all federal banks have to send in their stashes so Washington can spend it on whatever?  It could be that money of yours in the bank could just be called in by Washington and you wouldn't have anything to say about it.  Because it would be by "executive order." 

Have you stopped long enough to listen between the lies and rhetoric spewed by liberals in Washington?........ just asking....... After all, it's their money that you send them every payday.  

According to liberal Washington, you should just send in your tax money and shut up about it; don't ask where it is being spent......... just saying..........

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