Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Uncle Joe Stalin

Story goes that Joseph Stalin, past tyrant, socialist, Soviet King, etc..etc.., was meeting with his henchmen (aka Czars) one day.  Stalin was holding a chicken, and began plucking feathers from the chicken.  Of course the chicken screamed, cackled, and revolted against this pain of having its feather coat plucked.  Stalin held on tightly, continued plucking, and when every last feather was plucked, Stalin let the chicken down on the ground.  
The chicken ran around the yard yelling and cackling more and more from having endured this horrifically painful happening.  Stalin reached into his pants pocket and pulled out some grain.  Stalin then knelt down and held out his hand with the grain.  The chicken noticed the grain in Stalin's hand, walked over and began to eat the grain from Stalin's hand.
Stalin stood looking at his henchmen saying, "You see, you can take the very clothes off the back of people, but, if you feed them, they'll come eating out of your hand."

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