Saturday, August 6, 2011

Same old pill bottle of lies deceit and control

We accept double-dealng at govt levels, & we've lost our capacity to get angry when decisions arent based on moral truth, but political expediency.  Modern political dialogue concerns itself largely with false image-making, rather than with legitimate debate over differing viewpoints.  i.e. the Vice Plagiarist naming Tea Party free men "terrorists". Wonder if we haven't reached one of those moments in time when the stakes are much too high for this kind of middle-aged juvenile delinquency. It's the same old bargain-basement politics--"We'll do everything the other fellow's been doing, only we'll do it cheaper and better." From your liberal sales department. Public officials are elected primarily for one purpose--to solve public problems. Liberal/Communists take office to create problems and tax us to solve those problems.  You and I have the capacity for self-government.  You and I have the dignity and the ability and the God-given freedom to make our own decisions.  You and I have the capacity and the God-given freedom to plan our own lives and to control our own destiny. Should we unquestioningly follow others who pass problems along to the Federal government, abdicating their personal and local responsibility?  If so, then we should close our eyes, bend over, and welcome the tax and spend reaming that is due a people who abdicate their freedom to those who wish to strip every last shirt from every last back of every last citizen. Because he who strips the shirt, knows those who are hungry and cold will always come back to be fed and clothed by the ones who are the very ones who strip the shirts & freedoms from the blind.
The present administration's approach to our deteriorating business climate is always another pill out of the same old bottle.  Build another bureau, add another tax, and put the unemployed on the public payroll.  Control of edcation should remain,as possible, at the level of the local school boards and unwanted unification should not be imposed from above.  The only choice we have: up or down-up to the ultimate in individual freedom consistent w/law&order, or down, to the deadly dullness of totalitarianism.

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